BIOZONE International is a New Zealand-based publishing house that delivers cutting-edge science curricula for the next generation. With a 30-year presence in the United States, New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom, they have a global footprint of dedicated educators. BIOZONE’s primary business is the creation of content for science instructional materials for high school science curricula, in both printed and digital formats. Their unique point of difference is the combination of a highly visual textbook (using an infographic style) with an interactive workbook – resulting in a unique hybrid text. The hybrid books and digital resources provide well-designed, compact lessons that engage students and offer a rigorous – yet accessible – programme of work.
Earth & Space Sciences for NGSS
Earth & Space Sciences for NGSS brings the solar system to life with the latest research and discoveries. Up-to-date stories and case-studies include exploration spanning from the Rosetta mission to Comet 67P to the New Horizons mission to Pluto. Earth & Space Sciences for NGSS contains 155 activities (272 pages) which allows students to build a sound understanding of science and engineering practices, recognise and understand the concepts that link all domains of science, and build the knowledge base required. Like all BIOZONE products, the book is structured as a hybrid of a textbook and workbook, with engaging diagrams, high-quality photographs and explanatory illustrations.
Age range: 12–18
Language: English
Biology for NGSS
Biology for NGSS has been specifically written to meet the requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for High School Life Sciences (HS-LS). It is a hybrid resource that’s part textbook, part study guide and part activity book all rolled into one. Compact lessons engage students in learning and provide a rigorous yet accessible program of work, while activities encourage student interaction and inquiry through real-world case studies and data analysis. The infographic style of presentation and annotated diagrammatic explanations make Biology for NGSS highly engaging. Structured for inquiry-based learning, the pedagogical approach requires learners to build a sound understanding of science and engineering practices. Biology for NGSS encompasses all dimensions of the standards (Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas), addressing the program content through a wide range of engaging student-focused activities.
Age range: 12–18
Language: English
AP Environmental Science
BIOZONE’s AP Environmental Science is a dedicated title to address the APES CED. This title takes a global perspective, examining the very latest issues concerning the environment while still providing the foundation for students to understand and engage with the science involved. Current concerns in the global community, including wildfires, COVID-19, glacial retreat, and loss of biodiversity are examined through case studies, student investigations, and data analysis. AP Environmental Science addresses the two essential components of the course framework: science practices and course content. Its interdisciplinary approach and highly visual format encourage students to engage fully with the principles, ideas, and methodologies required to understand the natural world.
Age range: 12–18
Language: English
Richard Allan, Founder and CEO, BIOZONE International
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