Aries Publishing

Aries Publishing Ltd is a small, independent publisher specialising in educational books and related fields such as children’s literature, and sports and recreation. Aries has been a successful magazine publisher having previously published Education Today and Good Teacher. Currently, Aries publishes the Directory of Residential Camps which is a resource for groups of any persuasion looking for accommodation and activities.

Director and publisher Ian Meredith has been the principal of two schools, one post primary school and an area school. He has also been a lecturer in education leadership at Auckland College of Education and a tutor at Christchurch College of Education.


Featured books and authors

I’ve Got Something to Say: Developing Young Writers in the Classroom by Gail Loane with Sally Muir explores the principles of developing literacy through authorship, allowing children to describe, question and celebrate their own experiences and personal creativity. The book offers detailed guidance, supported by planning documents, poetry and prose, examples of children’s work and stimulating visuals. Illustrated throughout with accessible activities and ideas from literature and poetry, Developing Young Writers in the Classroom is an essential resource for all teachers wishing to inspire writing in the classroom. The book is published by Aries Publishing in New Zealand, and by Taylor & Francis Group under their Routledge imprint in the rest of the world.

Author Gail Loane is an Educational Consultant based in New Zealand, where she is well known for tutoring and coaching school leaders and teachers in the development of literacy. Gail has previously worked as a teacher, associate principal, principal, and school adviser, as well as an advisor on a range of national projects for the Ministry of Education, New Zealand.

The Directory of Residential Camps and Activities is an annual publication that lists camps throughout New Zealand, offering everything that diverse groups need to organise accommodation and activities. A comprehensive website and hard copy book provide up-to-date and thorough information covering camps, locations, providers, transport, and catering.

Dictionary of Physical Education and Sports Studies by Bob Stothart and Ian Culpan offers useful definitions and immediate access to the essential terminology of contemporary physical education and sport studies. It provides a discerning ‘rounded’ and generally accepted explanation for the complex language that characterises the physical education and sport study disciplines. Terminology is drawn from such pertinent fields of study as health education, education theory and research, human anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology, pedagogy and sociology. The dictionary reflects physical education and sport studies in the widest possible way. Accordingly, common professional acronyms and other useful terms have been included. The dictionary is aimed at those who formally study and teach physical education and sport studies, and those who are curious about these subjects.

Author Bob Stothart M.A., Dip Tch., Fellow PENZ, is a former adviser in physical education, lecturer in physical education and health and Associate Principal of Wellington College of Education. He has held senior positions in physical education, health education and recreation and sport. He was appointed to the New Zealand Council for Recreation and Sport and later became its Director. His collection of personal papers has been lodged in New Zealand’s National Library.

Ian Culpan is presently a Professor of Physical Education in the School of Sciences and Physical Education at the University of Canterbury. He is a graduate of Otago University and Canterbury University. He served on the staff of Christchurch College of Education before it merged with the University of Canterbury in 2007. He has led and directed many national curriculum initiatives, established a number of academic programmes within the university and is frequently sought as a keynote speaker at international congresses.



Ian Meredith
Director, Aries Publishing Ltd